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Happy New Year! 2023 beckons - bring it on!

Jan 01, 2023

What a year it has been. No doubt we’ve all had our challenges with the political and financial upheaval we’ve been experiencing. But the good news is, we all survived! Now is a great time to reflect on what’s been good throughout the year. And when you take time to think about it, there will, I’m sure, be plenty to celebrate. 

On a personal level, my hypnotherapy business has stabilised nicely after the turmoil of the last couple of years and the practice is thriving in therapy rooms in and around East Devon, as well as online via Zoom. As I’m spending more and more time in the home office, Mr P and I spent a few days clearing the room and redecorating it earlier this year, to make it a more uplifting environment. I took the opportunity to declutter and now it’s a lovely tidy, tranquil space. That was definitely time well spent.

Having that physical, uncluttered space allowed me to complete an ongoing project in the form of an online course to help people overcome anxiety for good. I drew together many of the common issues that crop up in the therapy room and created a 10-hour step-by-step online course ‘3 Powerful habits to overcome anxiety’. To test whether it would be useful, I invited my hypnotherapy newsletter subscribers to access the course material in a trial run and was absolutely delighted with the feedback. Based on their positive reactions, I launched the course to the public in June and it’s been so well received, it’s exceeded my expectations. It’s so good to be able to help even more people conquer their anxiety and discover a Solution Focused approach to life.

What were your highlights for the year? It’s worth taking time out to reflect and to congratulate yourself on your achievements. With so many wobbles in the world, it’s more important than ever to focus on what’s been good. So here are a few examples of some of the many positive stories that may not have made it to the mainstream news:

Keeping your own neighbourhood tidy

When my neighbour and I go on our early morning walks around the local lanes, we often pick up rubbish from the hedgerows and pop it in our own recycling bags. It helps improve the look of our surroundings and provides a safer environment for wildlife. We’re not alone, many people do the same, I’m sure. But here’s a novel solution to improving the look of your neighbourhood. A 25-year-old window cleaner from Maidstone got so fed up with seeing dirty road signs, that he often stops his van and gives them a quick clean. Providing this free service not only helps to improve the appearance of the area, but it also helps with road safety. He said it’s his way of giving back to the community. Genius!

Near-extinct species brought back from the brink

I’m always relieved to hear when conservation groups bring ‘at-risk’ species back from the brink of extinction. In 2022 there were several species whose fortunes were turned around, including beavers, pelicans and bison. In fact, in July, bison were reintroduced to the UK and allowed to roam wild in an area of Kent. The aim is to help with biodiversity, strengthen natural habitats and lock in carbon. Not long after the bison arrived, a calf was born, the first wild bison to be born in the UK for 6,000 years. If the Kent project proves to be a success, bison could be reintroduced to other areas of the country, too. Awesome!

4-day week trial hailed a success

Being self-employed, I can choose how many hours a week I work, and on which days. I must admit, I would find it difficult to go back to working 9-5, five days a week. So I was pleased to see that in June, 61 UK companies began a six-month trial to assess the impact of introducing a 4-day week. They usually did this by introducing longer working days. That meant that employees typically worked a similar number of hours during the working week, so were able to keep their fulltime pay levels. Incredibly, many of the companies found that productivity and customer service was maintained and, in some cases, improved. And crucially they reported a massive improvement in employee wellness, leading to better staff retention and a reduction in sickness absences. Around 40% of employees reported being less stressed and were sleeping better. Over half said it was easier to maintain a good work-life balance. Many of the companies taking part in the trial have extended the trial period and 18 have made the 4-day week permanent. Fingers crossed this will set the scene for other companies to follow, it will make life much more civilised for anyone lucky enough to adopt the new working pattern.

92-year-old man passes his maths GCSE

As I’m always saying to my more mature clients, you’re never too old to learn new skills. This was demonstrated nicely with a heart-warming story about a 92-year-old from Cambridgeshire who took a maths GCSE exam for fun, because he felt he hadn’t really understood maths when he took his first exam back in 1946. He wanted to keep his mind active and saw an advert for a free online course through his local authority. He signed up for the foundation level maths exam and gained the highest grade possible. Pretty good for the oldest person in Britain ever to pass a GCSE exam. Now, what do you want to achieve?

Community benefits from disused phone box

I love to see our quintessentially British red phone boxes dotted around in odd places, so I was delighted to read about a community group in south-east London who bought a disused phone box for £1 and turned it into an innovative community hub. The phone box is decked out with leaflets and posters providing vital information to those in need. But more than that, it houses free food, toiletries and children’s toys to support local people in crisis. It’s not far from the group’s charity shop that provides similar support, but the point about the phone box is that recipients can remain anonymous. The charity recognises that people who are struggling may be too proud to ask for help, so the self-serve phone box is an ideal solution. A fantastic use for the redundant box.

I think you’ll agree, there was plenty to smile about during 2022. And there’s every reason to expect similar positive events to happen every day of the week during 2023. We just have to seek ‘em out.

Happy New Year!



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