Calm Mind Courses Blog

What is anxiety? How to dial down the stress response. Sep 01, 2022

We’ve probably all experienced anxiety at some point in our lives. It may be anything from concern about an upcoming exam that dissipates once we’ve sat the test, to full-blown debilitating, gnawing, continuous anxiety that prevents us from leaving the house and leading a normal life....

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Sharing good news - restoring the UK’s natural environment Aug 01, 2022

With all the challenges going on in the world, and the tendency of mainstream media to focus on negative events, it can be easy to think that everything is doom and gloom. Rarely do positive stories reach the 6 o’clock news. And that can leave us with a skewed view of reality, which if...

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Overcome anxiety with Solution Focused techniques Jul 01, 2022


I’m so excited to welcome you on board and introduce you to the Calmer Mind Courses blog. My aim is to demonstrate that you can overcome anxiety for good by changing your current habits of thought and action. We’ll be looking at practical steps you can take in all aspects of your...

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