Calm Mind Courses Blog

Reduce fear by becoming the agent of your own future Sep 01, 2023

Earlier this week I found myself with some time on my hands and the house to myself. So I decided to do something for me. First I took action on my physical fitness by exercising to a keep fit video. Usually I keep fit by walking a few miles early in the morning with my neighbour, but she was on...

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Minimising physical symptoms by reducing anxiety Aug 01, 2023

I’ve seen many people over the years who are seeking help with physical symptoms. It could be anything from IBS to chronic back pain, tinnitus to migraines, skin conditions to high blood pressure.

Some have an expectation that hypnotherapy can magic away their symptoms, and there are some...

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Knowing your 'why' helps lower anxiety when times get tough Jul 01, 2023

Many years ago, when I worked in IT, I had a colleague who loved ‘office-speak’. He’d come out with phrases in meetings like ‘we need some blue-sky thinking’ or ‘let’s pick the low-hanging fruit’. I know some people find these figures of speech...

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Whatever we focus on we amplify Jun 01, 2023

Until recently I worked from a wonderfully tranquil therapy room in the seaside town of Sidmouth, just one street away from the beach. One of the occupational hazards of working that close to the sea was the loud cries of the seagulls outside of the therapy room window. It could be quite...

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Sharing good news – people making a real difference May 01, 2023

For some reason mainstream media tends to focus almost exclusively on doom and gloom stories, highlighting all the problems in the world. And yes, we are certainly living through challenging times. But in amongst all the major crises, there is plenty to celebrate.  So, I thought it was time...

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How to cope with difficult people Apr 01, 2023

Have you ever been surprised when you’re speaking with someone and realise that they have a completely different viewpoint on a subject from your own? I come across this in the therapy room all the time. Clients come from all types of backgrounds and have all kinds of life experiences, so...

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Choosing your direction of travel to overcome anxiety Mar 01, 2023

One of my favourite quotes of all time is from motivational guru, the late Zig Ziglar who said: 'You have made some mistakes, and you may not be where you want to be, but that's got nothing to do with your future.'

It’s so amazingly liberating, to think that no matter what’s happened...

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Why some people seem to cope better than others Feb 01, 2023

A comment I often hear from clients is that they know they’re not coping with a challenging situation as well as other people, and they feel inadequate in some way. And whilst it’s natural to compare ourselves with others, it’s not necessarily useful to do so.

For a start, you...

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Happy New Year! 2023 beckons - bring it on! Jan 01, 2023

What a year it has been. No doubt we’ve all had our challenges with the political and financial upheaval we’ve been experiencing. But the good news is, we all survived! Now is a great time to reflect on what’s been good throughout the year. And when you take time to think about...

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Making changes to reduce anxiety Dec 01, 2022

One of the first things I do when I meet a new client in the therapy room is to make it clear that hypnotherapy isn’t something I ‘do to them’. It’s a collaborative process where I help the client see how to make the changes necessary to reduce their anxiety.

And the...

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Stand, sit or walk differently to feel better Nov 01, 2022

You’re probably familiar with the notion that our minds and bodies are interconnected. In a previous blog, we explored how, when we’re under chronic stress, we may be more susceptible to illnesses like colds and ‘flu, we may suffer from digestive problems like IBS, and we may no...

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How re-reading a good book can make you feel better Oct 01, 2022

An ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, once wrote, ‘No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.’

I love that quote. It’s a description of how we’re all work in progress. Every experience we have changes us just a...

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